Jess Rosenkranz is a design consultant and maker of miscellany. Contact her at JessRosenkranz@gmail.com
After graduating from Rhode Island School of Design, she worked at Hasbro toys for over 10 years.The many toy adventures included creating licensing style guides, designing games, and tracking consumer & visual trends in the FutureNow group. 
As a consultant she specializes in 'graphic concepts', stitching together visuals to help people imagine new ideas. She also has expertise in actionable trend research. She has been the owner of an Epilog laser since 2007, doing custom laser cutting and engraving for both industrial clients and artists, and creating various awards, prototypes, and artwork. The miscellany part includes brainstorm facilitation, presentation design, turning cartoon food into real food, and good ol' fashioned graphic design. 
She has a special interest in the following topics: unnatural nature, colors, behavioral economics, patterns, Haw Par Villa, tiny things, and cake decorating.
She shares her Pawtucket, RI home with a Makerbot, two cats, and many, many plants. 

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